AlzAuthors Traveling Library Included in Alzheimer’s Association Walks in Ohio

By Jean Lee

AlzAuthors thanks the Greater East Ohio Alzheimer’s Association for including the Ohio AlzAuthors Traveling Library as an exhibit in the Akron and Medina Walks to End Alzheimer’s.

The books of AlzAuthors created a bright stop for participants in need of resources and guidance. The collection displayed like a colorful flower garden granting peace to those who took time to pluck a healing flower. Books were picked up, handled, and received beautiful comments about the lovely covers and meaningful titles.

As participants described their personal situations, I could easily pick out many of our books to address their specific concern, such as Lewy, caregiving for a spouse, and books for children and teens, to name a few.

Participants were absolutely amazed that so many books existed about Alzheimer’s and dementia, written from personal experience. They were even more astounded when I told them this collection represented only about a third of the books on

Many people asked how they could purchase these books. I provided flyers and AlzAuthors business-sized cards directing them to author essays on the site, explaining that AlzAuthors bookstore would link them straight to Amazon where they could purchase a Kindle copy and begin reading immediately, or order a paperback to be delivered to their doorstep.

Thank you to each AlzAuthor for believing in our mission. We’ve all written from a place of vulnerability, guilt, and pain. We gather these books and authors together to provide healing, letting others know we share parts of their path and they do not walk alone.

I want to thank each AlzAuthor who has donated their book to the Ohio Traveling Library. I am honored to take every opportunity to promote your gorgeous books.

Many thanks to a donor who gifted over 60 anthologies to Grand Champions in these two walks. The stories of AlzAuthors are now in the hands of many new readers.

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