What AlzAuthors Means to Me: Celebrating 7 Years

As AlzAuthors celebrates seven years of sharing dementia stories written from personal experience to support others, members of our management team reflect on where we’ve been, where we’re going, and what AlzAuthors means to each of us on a deeply personal level.

We are extremely proud of our accomplishments, in awe that we’ve managed to keep what was initially a one-month project chugging along for seven years, and inspired by the ideas, partnerships, and opportunities that motivate and inspire us to continue this mission.

We are grateful to you, our friends and followers, who make all of it not only possible but worth every minute.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Please stick around to see what’s next. To hear our story in our own voices please tune in to our podcast episode 64:  Untangling Seven Years of AlzAuthors

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What AlzAuthors Means to Me

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Jean Lee

Author of Alzheimer’s Daughter

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At age 67, and a decade post-retirement, my life could be slowing down, but quite the opposite is true. I remain energized and am involved in new learning each day because of AlzAuthors. I love connecting with our authors, learning their stories and helping to launch those experiences into the world to support others currently on the journey. Each story is like a piece of sea glass…so unique. Edges softened, worn, smoothed. Life wears us down through caregiving, but can also smooth and soften us into a more compassionate version of ourselves. Take heart, Alzheimer’s caregiver. You are not alone.

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Vicki Tapia

Author of Somebody Stole My Iron

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AlzAuthors has helped me to grow as a person. The final gift given to me by my parents, the idea of AlzAuthors brought me together with other like-minded people. I am humbled to continue to work with this group of dedicated women, who are like sisters to me. Over the past seven years, I’ve watched in amazement as we’ve become part of something larger than ourselves. Working with this bright and talented team, I’m part of a new family, one that supports others on their own dementia journeys. At its core, I believe AlzAuthors is about connection. Connecting authors to authors, authors to readers. Supporting each other makes us stronger. When I was on the dementia journey with my own parents, connection with other caregivers was something I yearned for, day in and day out. At the time, it was difficult to even find a book written by a caregiver. Through my work with AlzAuthors, I’ve been given the opportunity to become a connector for other caregivers who harbor this same yearning, letting them know they aren’t alone. The thought that AlzAuthors has made a difference for even one care partner and their family brings me a great sense of fulfillment. It has also helped me to heal from the scars of my own journey through dementia with Mom and Dad.

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Susan Landeis

Author of In Search of Rainbows

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Being an AlzAuthor has been an honor and one of my greatest achievements. I am so proud to be a part of this amazing group of authors who dared to dream and turn this great vision into a reality. It’s not just the hard work and dedication that amazes me, it’s the selfless act of kindness from these wonderful women who so generously give their time, wisdom, and passion to help others. They continue to inspire me every single day! To say that I am in awe of every one of our authors who share their meaningful and sometimes painful stories, would be an understatement. I have enormous respect for all those who believe in the power of their stories, to help and encourage others on their journey. It is my honor and privilege to help connect writers and readers by promoting these works. AlzAuthors is a family quilted together by the fabric of our commonalities and a shared passion to help others. I look forward to the future as we carry on our mission to light the way for others on the Alzheimer’s and dementia journey!

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Ann Campanella

Author of Motherhood: Lost & Found

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My mother developed Alzheimer’s when I was in my early 30s. I was not yet a mom but hoping to become one. Being a caregiver for her was a very lonely proposition because none of my friends were going through anything remotely similar. They were raising kids while I was in the midst of a series of miscarriages and at the same time watching my mother lose parts of herself to the disease of Alzheimer’s. Discovering a group of women who were just as dedicated as I was to sharing books and stories with others who were in need was life changing. The managers of AlzAuthors were also daughters of dementia, people who deeply understood the pain of losing a loved one to this disease. It has been an enormous gift to develop friendships and work creatively with this group—making something beautiful out of our losses. I also love connecting with other authors locally and around the world. As a caregiver, a reader and a writer, I have always looked for support in beautifully written books that lift me out of the daily grind and give me a sense of perspective and purpose. AlzAuthors has allowed me to give this very thing to other caregivers. And that means so much to me!

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Rosanne Corcoran

Creator of Daughterhood the Podcast and blog, Hey Roe

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Caregiving is one of the journeys in life that you do not understand unless you live it. You cannot understand the stress, the fear, the loneliness and isolation that come from caring for someone, unless you live it. One of the most detrimental aspects of caregiving is isolation. Isolation from the outside world, isolation from our own lives.  AlzAuthors was a safe, understanding place I could visit and find stories of those who have been there before me. People who had lived the life of a caregiver and come out on the other side. The stories I found reflected the many aspects of caregiving while providing a common theme of understanding and hope. They were the lampposts along the dark road. The ability to access AlzAuthors anytime – even at 3 a.m. in those dark, hopeless moments – was a lifeline. Caregiving has a start and a finish. AlzAuthors kept me company, provided invaluable information and resources, and gave me a community where I felt validated and supported. I am so honored to be an AlzAuthor and part of the team who shines a light on these experiences. 

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Kathryn Harrison

Author & Illustrator of Weeds in Nana’s Garden

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AlzAuthors embraced me shortly after the bittersweet release of my children’s book on dementia, inspired by my mother’s early-onset dementia journey. I immediately felt not only welcomed but appreciated for my contribution and as my relationship grew with AlzAuthors, my heart seemed to heal. You do not need to be alone on this journey. We have walked a similar path and although our road does not look the same as yours, it is familiar. As we write, share, inspire and care, AlzAuthors harnesses all these rich and powerful experiences – our pain, our growth, our learnings – to help many along their path. Being part of AlzAuthors’ efforts to extend care out to others and brighten their journey is such an authentic way to honor my mom.

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Marianne Sciucco

Author of Blue Hydrangeas

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My initial thought in bringing together authors of books on Alzheimer’s and dementia to support each other was to not only promote my own book, but to raise awareness of these life-altering conditions and offer support to those whose lives it impacts. My novel, Blue Hydrangeas, had been out for two years and I was having a difficult time finding readers. I slowly learned dementia is a topic people prefer not to discuss, and a book with an Alzheimer’s theme was a hard sell. I’d written the book to shed light on the issues families confront when a loved one is diagnosed with a degenerative brain disease. As a nurse, I’d seen my share of heartbreak, confusion, and lack of support. I felt I could do something to help, and writing a book seemed like a good idea. I was a member of an author organization where we supported each other’s books and thought I could do the same with these authors. Was I right? Yes! And no one was more surprised than me. But what happened over the following years was even more unexpected: The friendships that developed with my “Alzie Sisters” grew rich and deep. Although separated by hundreds, if not thousands, of miles, we bonded, using the internet to communicate. We discovered we really liked each other and believed in our shared mission. We kept it going long after the first month, through my own dementia journey with my stepfather, gathering books and authors, recruiting others to join our management team, building a robust website, social media platforms, a bookstore, traveling libraries, podcast, virtual events, and now Custom Caregiver Collections. I have not only gained friends but a purpose, and new skills, surprising myself with my ability to take on new tasks and projects well into mid-life with ease because I have a driving desire to do so. If anyone had told me ten years ago I would start a podcast I would have laughed them out of the room! This passion project has helped me grow in innumerable ways, and I am not only grateful to my friends on the management team but to all the caregivers, readers, and followers who have helped us grow beyond our wildest imaginings.



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