Lisa Hirsch Discovers a New Love for Her Mother in Letter to My Mom, My Hero

About Lisa R. Hirsch, Letter to My Mom, My Hero

Letter To Mom BOOK Cover(use)

By Lisa Hirsch

My mom has had Alzheimer’s disease for 14 long years. Out of her suffering from this disease not only was my love for her transformed, she also became my hero. My love and compassion for her inspired me to share our journey.

What is amazing was that as a teenager I always wanted someone else’s mother to be mine, yet today I would never trade Mom for any other mother in the world. Each day she continues to touch my heart with a deep pure love. Through the years as the disease has progressed, I have watched Mom as her world has been disappearing.

I often get questioned if she knows who I am. My answer is always the same. In my heart I know that she knows me. She may not say my name, yet when we are together we hold each other’s hands as if we were “young lovers” never wanting to let go. Our roles have reversed and with that my love for her has only grown.

My entire career was spent in the Fashion Industry never thinking that I would write nor start a blog. It was from my blog My Mom My Hero, which today has over 250,000 worldwide views, that I decided to write my first book, My Mom My Hero. At that time so many caregivers reached out to me to share their own stories and to thank me for having the courage to share with them my deepest most private feelings.

From my blog I was invited to be a contributing author to Huffington Post Blog to share about my mother and our journey. As my audience grew I was constantly asked how my mom was doing. I then decided to write my recently released book Letter To My Mom and once again to openly share my deepest feelings. Letter To My Mom includes my insights, fears, sorrows, and incredible joys with great honesty.

Out of my own experience I found that writing is both freeing and healing. It does not matter who else may read it. I encourage everyone who is a caregiver to get out your pen or pencil and write about anything that you are feeling.

Through the years, after attending Alzheimer’s support groups, I myself knew how important it is to support other caregivers in this difficult journey.

I would love to share my two books with you and believe that they will support/help you as you deal with this horrific disease.

Purchase Letter To My Mom and My Mom My Hero 

About the Author

Lisa Hirsch and MomLisa R. Hirsch is a successful blogger with a worldwide audience. She spent the majority of her career in the fashion industry creating and launching several different companies. Today she has had numerous articles published as well as writing for health care web sites and newsletters both in the United States,UK, and Canada. She has also been published in a women’s inspirational book. She was a guest speaker at the School of Social Work at Columbia University in New York City and has been featured on many caregiver radio shows. She resides in Manhattan with her husband and has one loving son and daughter-in-law.

Connect with Lisa Hirsch
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2 Responses

  1. After reading your book my mom my hero I so look forward to every update on your blog,it’s as if I know you and your mom,she is an amazing lady!”my heart goes out to you and your brother,your family also. I know your work has helped so many understand this crazy decease,we lost my father-n-law to dementia/Alzheimer’s only had a few years of him not knowing everything .thank you for sharing your journey !

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    I want to thank you for your kind and loving words. It means the world to me. I am so sorry about your father in law and that you and your family had to experience this horrific disease. Thanks for reading my first book and following my blog. If you get a chance you might also like to read my newest book “Letter To My Mom”. I hope you know that I am here for you. I can be reached through my blog or on my FB page. Sending hugs, Lisa

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