Happy Holidays from AlzAuthors! 

Happy Holidays from AlzAuthors

As 2019 draws to a close, we would like to take a moment to thank our readers and authors for their ongoing support of both our mission and our vision.

This has been a year of positive growth for AlzAuthors. First, we laid our cornerstone, putting down on paper our mission and vision, as well as our commitments to each other and to you, our valued followers.

Our Mission

We are a community of authors sharing Alzheimer’s and dementia stories to light the way for others.

Our Vision

Lift the silence and stigma of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

Our Commitments

  • Connect writers and readers by providing easy access to books, blogs and other resources.
  • Honor the personal experiences of those impacted by Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
  • Promote works from around the world, welcoming a diversity of experiences.
  • Advance the understanding of Alzheimer’s and other dementias through collective knowledge.
  • Encourage healing by embracing the power of vulnerability – you are not alone.

Once this was accomplished, we began one of our most time-intensive changes, that of applying for and successfully becoming a non-profit organization. Our hope in taking this important step is that this designation will provide us with more opportunities to further support our mission and vision.

One of the improvements made possible by your tax-deductible donations is procurement of an automated social media management tool, which allows us to promote our authors’ works more often on Twitter, and in the future, Facebook and LinkedIn. This increases the discoverability of AlzAuthors’ growing library of resources and the work of our authors.

We are also investing in enhancements to make our website even more robust because, after all, our website is our home base for all things AlzAuthors.

Other new projects and partnerships are being developed and we plan to share some exciting news with you in the new year. Our goal is to build our audience, to reach more and more caregivers in need of guidance, knowledge, and support, and to elevate our authors’ work to accomplish our mission.

Thank you for sharing our journey.

Wishing you the best this holiday season! See you in 2020.

Marianne, Jean, Vicki, Kathryn, Ann, and Irene

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