Read Granny Needs My Help, by Deborah Mills, to Assist Children Struggling to Understand Alzheimer’s


Granny-Needs-My-Help-Deborah-MillsBy Deborah L Mills

Alzheimer’s is a diagnosis given to an individual, yet it is a disease that profoundly affects the entire family from the youngest to the oldest. Many times, we talk about how Alzheimer’s affects the adults in the family as well as the person diagnosed, not as often is it discussed how children are affected.

The touching tale of Zéh and Granny in Granny Needs My Help: A Child’s Look at Dementia and Alzheimer’s is written to open this conversation and see things from a child’s eyes. I have witnessed the interaction of Zéh, my granddaughter and Granny, my mother, for many years. When Zéh was younger she and Granny had a friend relationship. Granny listened to the instructions of four-year-old Zéh better than she did mine on many occasions. Zéh could easily show Granny how to get undressed and put on night clothes. They colored and ate lunch together. They enjoyed each other’s company. Because their behaviors where much alike, they had a bond.

As Zéh began to get a little older she realized that Granny wasn’t doing the things her other grannies did. This granny needed help. It was confusing. When I noticed this, we began to talk about Alzheimer’s.

This bird’s eye view of a child’s emotional journey caused me to write this story and eternally capture an important part of my mother’s history. In capturing her history, I also made way for others to take children into consideration when dealing with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are not easy subjects to talk about because of the stigma and embarrassment society tries to attach to them. It makes this book that much more of a must read. Let this book spark conversation. Through fun full-color illustrations and a heartfelt child friendly story Granny Needs My Help: A Child’s Look at Dementia and Alzheimer’s helps bridge the gap between child and adult.

It talks about truths not even the doctors told me at the beginning of this journey, however they are basic understandings we need to know. The book shows we don’t have to be embarrassed or try to cover things up. On the contrary, we can be proud of what our loved one can still accomplish rather than embarrassed by what they can no longer do. It faces the fact that children face anger and sadness along with the rest of the family.

Granny Needs My Help: A Child’s Look at Dementia and Alzheimer’s is a landmark book that opens our eyes to a new particularly important perspective. The perspective of a child.




Deborah L Mills is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has served as primary caregiver to her mother who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s for almost two decades. She is a Certified Executive and Life Coach (Coaching and Positive Psychology – CaPP Institute); Certified Radical Life Coach (Radical Life Coach Institute) and holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Regent University in Organizational Leadership and Management.

Deborah has authored 7 nonfiction projects with Walk Layne Group, which is she proud to share with the world.  Her hope is that when a reader consumes one of her works their life is forever increased. When not writing or reading Deborah enjoys time with family. Her favorite duty is “grandma” duty.

In Granny Needs My Help: A Child’s Look at Dementia and Alzheimer’s Deborah is thrilled to share the story of her granddaughter and her mother in hopes that it will ignite a conversation, bring a smile, and shed understanding from a child’s perspective.

In addition to Granny Needs My Help: A Child’s Look at Dementia and Alzheimer’s check out these accompanying journals.

For children – My Journal My Thoughts: A Place to Write Down What I’m Thinking and Feeling

For adults – Dementia Sucks but Life Doesn’t Have To: A Guided Journal for Caregivers

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Find Deborah on:

Twitter: @MsDeborahLMills



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