Mark Resnick Faces Father’s Alzheimer’s During COVID-19

About Mark Resnick

Resnick-Mark-Ten-Days-With-DadMy mom moved out of the house when I was seven. That was a big deal in 1980—unheard of, actually. My dad raised my two brothers and me with little to no help. To the best of my knowledge, he didn’t know how to cook or do laundry. But he figured it out.

It took me a long time to realize the implications of growing up without a mom or maternal figure around. My dad was going in a hundred directions and wasn’t overly emotional or empathetic to the struggles of teenage boys. Thus, I relied heavily on my journal to vent or express my emotions and feelings.

When my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2014, I again turned to my journal to process my grief, anger, and sorrow. Life already moves way too fast, but when a terminal diagnosis appears, the days and weeks go even faster—and become more precious.

I was the lucky one.

During the final two years of his life, we shared hundreds of meals and cups of coffee together. I was literally getting to know him and his story for the first time. I soon realized that my journal entries were much more than private thoughts. There was a story here that needed to be told. Only it wasn’t my dad’s story per se—it was mine.

Ten Days With Dad is a story about family, identity, perspective, and progress. It may be told through my eyes, from a young boy through midlife, but I wrote it in such an open, honest, and vulnerable way that most people will find it relatable in more ways than one, even if they are not yet dealing with Alzheimer’s.

The book is divided into six parts and is over three hundred pages long. But don’t let that scare you; the font is huge, the chapters are relatively short, and it’s a rather quick read. A friend read it in one sitting Most get hooked by Bob Halloran’s Foreword and finish it within days. Yet others take weeks to finish the book, in part to relish the storytelling, but mainly because we’re all so very busy.

The book isn’t just for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, especially those trying to parent one’s own children at the same time. If you fit into this category, you will understand the struggles I went through emotionally and physically. After chronicling our stories—Dad’s and mine—including the awful nature of a person’s slow decline (and throw in a global pandemic, too) —I share with my readers how I found purpose, passion, and peace during this time.

Ultimately, I wrote the book for young people. It took a terminal disease to prompt me to get to know my dad; to learn his story—and to realize what he did for me throughout my life. In Part Six, I talk about how I found peace with my past, rediscovered my passion to write and inspire people, and my purpose in life.

The takeaway for us all: don’t wait for a life-altering event to pursue your passion or change who you want to be.


About Mark

I’ve wanted to be a writer since the fifth grade, when Mrs. Blake, my English teacher, encouraged me to consider writing outside the confines of her classroom. She put me on this path and I’m grateful for her kindness. I hope she is proud of my work, wherever she may be.

I currently live in Walpole, MA with Coleen, my wife of 25 years. We are in the throes of putting our kids through college and high school. From Richmond to Fairfield, and locally to Xaverian Brothers HS, we bounce back and forth, offering counsel as needed, encouragement when allowed, and nourishment–which is always enthusiastically accepted!

I invite you to visit and connect with me at

Remember, it’s never too late—or too early—to pursue your passion.







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