The Art of Connection: How Creativity Transforms Dementia Care with Mary Crescenzo

Image of Mary Crescenzo, author of The Planet Alzheimer's Guide

Mary Crescenzo interview on YouTube

By Christy Byrne Yates, California, USA

Connection is key in dementia care. Discover the transformative power of arts engagement for people living with dementia in this inspiring conversation with Mary Crescenzo, author of “The Planet Alzheimer’s Guide: 8 Ways the Arts Can Transform the Life of Your Loved One and Your Own.”

In this heartfelt episode, a replay of an Aging & Amazing Books & Chit Chat discussion, Mary shares her decades of experience using various art forms to connect with and enrich the lives of people living with cognitive decline. From her early days as an art teacher to becoming a pioneering voice in arts engagement for dementia care, Mary offers practical, accessible ways to bring creativity into caregiving.

You’ll learn:

  • Simple ways to incorporate music, visual arts, movement, and storytelling into daily care
  • How creative expression can bridge communication gaps
  • The importance of intergenerational engagement through art
  • Self-care strategies for caregivers through creative writing
  • Ways to implement arts activities in both home and facility settings


Mary’s Key Messages for Caregivers:

  • Everyone has innate creative abilities
  • Art activities don’t require expensive materials or special training
  • Focus on the present moment rather than past relationships
  • Celebrate and display creative works
  • Don’t give up if first attempts aren’t successful


Quote: “Art brings joy into the darkness of this disease.” – Mary Crescenzo

After the Podcast

Get the book: The Planet Alzheimer’s Guide by Mary Crescenzo

Note: We are an Amazon Associate and may receive a small commission on book sales at no cost to you or the author.

Download Mary’s FREE Caregiver Tip Sheet 7 Tips for Connection and Communication through the Arts

Read her AlzAuthors Blog

Catch the Dementia & the Arts Podcast Episode

Follow Mary

Listen to her co-hosted show: Dementia and the Arts on Alzheimer’s Speaks

Learn more about Mary’s play “Planet A” and the inner world of Alzheimer’s:

Remember: You don’t need to be an artist to engage in creative activities with your loved one. As Mary says, creativity is an innate human ability that can bring connection and joy to the dementia journey.

Learn more about the Expose Dementia Conference

About the Podcast

AlzAuthors is the global community of authors writing about Alzheimer’s and dementia from personal experience to light the way for others.

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Meet the Moderators

Marianne Sciucco

Christy Byrne Yates

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Ideas and opinions expressed in this podcast belong to the speakers and not AlzAuthors. Always consult your healthcare provider and legal and financial consultants for advice on any of the topics covered here.

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