first-person insights into caregiving and living with dementia. For more information, visit our Resources for key insights.

Jack Cohen Writes About Becoming His Beloved Wife’s Caregiver in Life On Planet Alz
By Jack Cohen Life on Planet Alz is a true story about coping with my beloved wife’s devastating

Bobbi Carducci Shares Dementia Caregiver Stories in Anthology: You Are Not Alone
By Bobbi Carducci Caregivers very often become isolated as the needs of the one-in-care progress. Even well-intentioned family

Rosalys Peel Writes Memoir With Support for All Spouse Caregivers in Her Book Mike and Me
By Rosalys Peel Every two minutes someone in America is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Most will face this discouraging

AlzAuthors Books and Co-founder Cruising the Caribbean
By Ann Campanella On Saturday, April 6th, the Inaugural Connecting Circles of Care and Building Bridges of Hope

The Lost Kitchen: Reflections and Recipes From an Alzheimer’s Caregiver by Miriam Green
By Miriam Green When my mom, Naomi, was first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s I felt relieved. The doctors had

How Saying Yes Helps Caregivers: Introducing Start With Yes!
Janna, a resident in a memory care facility, woke up one night and found a few staff members

Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Memoir: Broken Beauty by Sarah Bearden Smith
By Sarah Bearden Smith Writing a book was never a dream of mine. A stay-at-home mom driving an

Barbara Smith Imparts Wisdom for Alzheimer’s Caregivers in Memoir: Still Giving Kisses
By Barbara Smith I am an occupational therapist, specializing in developmental disabilities. I had never planned to work

Meet Michelle Spray, author of Lost Memories, Found Hope
By Michelle Spray I truly feel honored to be included as an integral part of the AlzAuthors group.

Carol Amos Guide H.O.P.E. for the Alzheimer’s Journey Educates Caregivers
By Carol B. Amos“H.O.P.E. for the Alzheimer’s Journey: Help, Organization, Preparation, and Education for the Road Ahead.” My

Tamara Prosper, Author of The Elders, Crafts Caregiver Guide Based on Professional Experience
By Tamara Prosper Ever since I can remember trying to navigate through grief, frustration, anxiety, anger and sometimes

Ellen Smith, Author of Reluctant Cassandra, Writes Novel of Anticipatory Grief
By Ellen Smith Reluctant Cassandra came to me first as a title. I’ve always been fascinated by Greek mythology