first-person insights into caregiving and living with dementia. For more information, visit our Resources for key insights.

Vina Mogg Blogs about Caring for Children and Alzheimer’s Mom in Seaglass Life
By Vina Mogg Not Alone At a caregiver’s conference in Orlando, I read a poem I had written

Alzheimer’s Caregiving Blog: The Perfect Thing
By Barbara Ivey I never cared for my mother during her Alzheimer’s. My dad considered Mom’s care to

Support The Caregiver: by Dr. David Davis and Joko Gilbert Offers 9 Strategies For Turning The Stress Of Alzheimer’s Caregiving Into Growth
By Dr. David Davis and Joko Gilbert – As anyone who has walked in our shoes knows, there

Estate Planning for the Sandwich Generation: How to Help Your Parents and Protect Your Kids by Catherine Hodder, Esq.
By Catherine Hodder, Esq. I was a corporate and banking attorney when my father began experiencing mini-strokes and

Minna Packer, Blogger of Suddenly Mad: My Voyage Through Early Alzheimer’s
By Minna Packer I was a teacher, professor, artist, filmmaker, mother of two adult children, a wife, a

Former Governor of Wisconsin, Martin Schreiber, Writes About His Life As An Alzheimer’s Caregiver
By Martin J. Schreiber If there’s one thing worse than Alzheimer’s, it’s ignorance of the disease. Count me

Karen Severson, MD, Writes About Dementia and End-of-Life Issues: Look, I Shrunk Grandma
By Karen Severson, MD This book has been in my head for years. It started with the constant

Iris Waichler Writes A Caregiver Guide With A Deeply Personal Story: Role Reversal
By Iris Waichler I began writing my book, Role Reversal: How to Take Care of Yourself and Your

Book helps kids understand dementia: I Smile For Grandpa
To aid connections between kids and those with dementia, Care Expert, Jaclyn Guenette, created her children’s book, I Smile For Grandpa, with Kathryn Harrison.

Meet Mary Edwards-Olson Author of When the Sun Shines Through
By Mary Edwards-Olson I wrote, When the Sun Shines Through, because of my personal journey. I was a

Dementia Daughter’s Journal: The Blue Velvet Drape by Anne Balcom
By Anne F. Balcom Mom was diagnosed with dementia in 2006. From the moment my parents told my

Lisa Wingate Writes Novel About Alzheimer’s Caregiving: Tending Roses
The Gap By Lisa Wingate In every story I write, there are bits of real life, nibblets of