first-person insights into caregiving and living with dementia. For more information, visit our Resources for key insights.

Wendy Mitchell Writes Courageous Memoir of Younger Onset Dementia: Somebody I Used To Know
By Wendy Mitchell My name is Wendy Mitchell and I was diagnosed with Young Onset Dementia on the 31st July

Miki Klocke uses Lovely Photography in Alzheimer’s Memoir: Beyond Caregiving
by Miki Klocke My Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when she was 56 years old and still working

Both parents had dementia, Vicki Tapia writes compelling memoir: Somebody Stole My Iron
By Vicki Tapia In 2004, both my parents were diagnosed with dementia, Dad with Parkinson’s-related dementia and Mom

Jean Lee Writes Her Family Memoir, Alzheimer’s Daughter, About Becoming The Caregiver To Both Parents
by Jean Lee Both of my parents were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s on the same day. They were in

Retired Innkeepers Struggle With Alzheimer’s in Blue Hydrangeas, a Love Story
By Marianne Sciucco, New York, US She was a beautiful 86-year old who was very confused when I,

Paul Toolan’s Short Stories of Fiction Consider Memory, Aging and Loneliness
By Paul Toolan I live in an English rural village with a demographic weighted towards retirees. I’m one

Norman McNamara Lives With Lewy Body Dementia and Has Written The Lewy Body Soldier
My name is Norrms McNamara. Someone once told me having Lewy Body`s Type Dementia is like having two

Vicki Kaufmann Pays it Forward With Her Helpful Book: Elegy for Mom
By Vicki Kaufmann, MA, MPSt “Cobwebs in my mind!” was how my mother depicted the disease that ravaged

Romance Writer, Angel Smits, Authors A Caregiving Guide; When Reasoning No Longer Works
By Angel Smits How does a romance writer end up writing a book about Alzheimer’s care? That question

Linda Brendle Writes of a Bold RV Trip With Two Parents and Alzheimer’s
The Accidental Author by Linda Brendle My goal in life was not to become a writer. I enjoyed

Faith-Based Guidebook Offers Dementia Caregivers Spiritual Support
7 Spiritual Steps – A Journal to Ease the Way By Meg Foster According to Alzheimer’s International, globally,

Joy Johnston’s Writes Raw Memoir of Parental Caregiving: The Reluctant Caregiver
By Joy Johnston Not everyone is born a natural caregiver. Unlike some caregivers who can draw upon their