first-person insights into caregiving and living with dementia. For more information, visit our Resources for key insights.

Meet Gary Joseph LeBlanc, Author of Staying Afloat in a Sea of Forgetfulness and Other Books on Dementia
By Gary Joseph LeBlanc Becoming a caregiver started as far back as my earliest childhood memories. My oldest

Meet Loretta Woodward Veney, Author of Being My Mom’s Mom
By Loretta Woodward Veney I decided to write my book because I felt so helpless when my Mom

Meet RJ Thesman, Author of the Reverend G Series
A Trilogy by RJ Thesman “We have to park here,” Mom said, as I drove her to the

Learn to Care for People with Dementia using Jennifer Brush’s Handbook: I Care.
By Jennifer Brush I am very pleased that I was asked to participate in this opportunity to bring

Grandpa is Losing It: Book for Teens about dementia called Almost There
By Laurel Garver My new young adult novel Almost There focuses on the complications that arise for a teenager

5 Steps to Help Counter a Common Caregiving Side Effect: Guilt
By Gurney Williams If dementia is a thief, guilt is an accomplice. My wife Linda’s disease stole years

Dementia Caregiver Dody Cox Finds Writing Her Memoir a Cathartic Experience
By Doreen (Dody) Cox I never planned on becoming my mother’s caregiver, nor, throughout the experience, considered writing a

Anonymous Doctor Shares Her Dementia Journey With Blog: Mum Has Dementia
By N. I originally set out to write my blog Mum Has Dementia after recounting a story about

Humor Meets Dementia Full-on in this Memoir by Charles Schoenfeld: A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to the Dementia Ward
By Charles Schoenfeld Few men are caregivers in the traditional sense. For most of us, I believe, it’s

Long Distance Caregiver, Mary Cail, Writes Alzheimer’s: A Crash Course for Friends and Relatives
by Mary Cail I’m a long-distance caregiver to my parents, who suffer from memory loss and multiple other

Carole Brecht Shares Insights and Art in: The Artistry of Caregiving, Letters to Inspire Your Caregiver Journey
By Carole Brecht I started caring for my Mom full-time in 2009 after I closed my art gallery/custom

Meet Vanessa Luther, Author of A Life Stolen
By Vanessa Luther My father joined the Air Force in 1950 during the Korean War where he trained