Nancy Poland Shares her Dementia Story in Dancing with Lewy
By Nancy Poland Dancing with Lewy is a memoir about my dad, Lee, a World War II Veteran, business owner, artist, and fiercely independent man who was diagnosed with Lewy Body dementia.
By Nancy Poland Dancing with Lewy is a memoir about my dad, Lee, a World War II Veteran, business owner, artist, and fiercely independent man who was diagnosed with Lewy Body dementia.
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By John Morris I wrote this book from my position as sole carer for my father, who was diagnosed with dementia in 2015. Although there are plenty of publications that have a
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By Susan Cerulean In the 1950s and 60s, when I was a child, we knew so little about chronic diseases of the mind, body and spirit, and what we did know, we
By Trish Laub I made a promise to myself that reflected the love of a youngest daughter for the dad that was always there for her. I was told that my dad
By Daniel Kenner After many long months of exhaustive family struggles, cognitive and behavior changes and, a lengthy process of medical evaluations and tests, my dad, Buddy, received the devastating diagnosis of