All Caregivers Benefit from Debra Tann’s New Guide, The Race of Dementia


By Debra Tann, Ed. D.

Race-of-Dementia-Debra-TannI never could understand why my great grandmother began to act oddly in my presence.  Nor did I understand why my grandmother, or my mom were unable to explain my great grandmother’s peculiar behavior of not recognizing her adorable great granddaughter, me.

It is such an irony how some things rest and abide within your personhood and reveal themselves decades later. I can now understand what I did not years ago; my great grandmother likely had Alzheimer’s dementia.  Who knew?  My book, The Race of Dementia is a timely book, as my rationale for writing the book was to provide answers to those who, like me, thirsted for answers around the subject of dementia.

The title of the book serves as a double entendre. First, there is a race for a cure.  Second, there is shrouding evidence that suggest Blacks and Latinos will make up nearly 40% of the 8.4 million American families affected by Alzheimer’s. Hence, it is literally The Race of Dementia.

As you delve into the book, you will find the personal interviews to be encouraging, humorous, intriguing, and spirited.  Yet, you will find yourself picking up the pieces of your broken heart as did I.

Here is a sneak peek…

Hope is a character for sure!  Her interview will have you laughing as she recounts her visits to the doctor and being petrified of her car keys being yanked away.  She is such a sweetheart but coping with her memory loss is daunting as she tries to conceal it.

Faith’s interview illustrates a caregiver’s heart.  Her challenges were colossal, but she was bound and determined until she had no other choice but to place her loved one in a facility. Despite his belligerent comments, daring demonstrations, and seemingly rebellious demeanor, she never gave up on her commitment as his caregiver.

Michal & David‘s interview was compelling because he is a male caregiver taking care of his female partner.  Their story will have you spellbound as you try to determine if male and female caregivers, respond differently in their role and responsibilities.  With each interview/story, you will re-think how you feel about Alzheimer’s and related dementias.

Strongest comments by readers thus far include:

“Great guide for nursing students, I am using the book in my college class.”

“The personal stories of the people in the book were heartbreaking, funny, and relatable.”


“Oh, how I wish I read your book when I was struggling with my mom who has since died of Alzheimer’s.”

“Your honest ability to share knowledge was so easy to grasp.”

“Encouragement and inspiring.”

“Incredible storyteller.”

“Your takeaways/suggestions after each personal story were spot on.” 

My book covers several dementia-related subject matters relevant to families, researchers, scientist, physicians, and advocates.  Frankly, any stakeholder in the dementia space will benefit. However, I wrote the book specifically with the caregiver/partner in mind.  I have a heart for the caregiver’s struggle.  I am convinced, the person living with one of the dementias will be fine provided their caregiver is fine.  My book emphasized the question, who cares for the caregiver? What is more, the book addresses the age-old conundrum of race as it relates to the health care system.  Disparities such as poverty, unequal access to health care, lack of education, and stigmas are underlying factors of health inequities.



Dr. Debra Tann is originally from Sacramento, California but currently resides in Georgia. She is married to a retired United States Naval service member. Together they have three young adult sons, three daughters-in-law, one granddaughter, who is soon to be 3 years old, and two grand dogs.  Debra began her professional career in higher education as a professor in Political Science for 14 years.  Thereafter, she planned, implemented, and executed an independent Christian school for 14 years. She has now taken her skillset and transitioned her platform to that of dementia education.

She is the CEO of Reminiscent, which serves as a hub for community education as it relates to dementia education. She is a certified Dementia Educator, certified Dementia Friends Champion, and a certified Virtual Dementia Tour facilitator.

Debra advocates on behalf of dementia from a three-prong position.

  1. Locally, she works at Reminiscent.
  2. At the state level she is active with GARD (Georgia Alzheimer’s & Related Dementias).
  3. Nationally, she advocates for AIM (Alzheimer’s Impact Movement). She is appointed to Senator Jon Ossoff.

Debra loves traveling, reading, Bible study, strolling the beach shoreline, theatrical plays, and stand-up comedy.

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