By Kacy Chambers, Tennessee, USA
When I was a child my paternal grandmother, Godmother, and great aunt had dementia/Alzheimer’s. The adults never had a conversation with us (the children in the family) to explain what was going on with our loved ones. As children, we knew something was happening but had no idea that it was a medical condition or how to deal with it. There were so many unanswered questions and so many missed teachable moments.
Since then, two more of my great aunts were diagnosed with this illness. Today both my maternal grandparents and my father have dementia/Alzheimer’s. My immediate and extended family have been overwhelmed by this disease. I found myself constantly having this discussion with my children. They often questioned why we treated my dad and grandparents like children. We often sit with my grandparents when my mom leaves the house. This was so confusing to my oldest child. He wanted to know why we explain stuff to them like they are children and why they shouldn’t be left at home alone.
I did not want my children to grow up having the same unanswered questions that I did. I started conversing with them about the disease and how it affects our loved ones. I quickly realized that children everywhere should be having this discussion. At that moment, I decided to write Sometimes Grandma and Grandpa Forget. Alzheimer’s/dementia has surrounded me since I was a child so this book is very close to my heart.
Children understand far more than adults often give them credit for. They are observers. They recognize changes. When the people they love begin behaving differently, often, children are the first to notice.
That’s when adults should step in and answer their questions, listen to their concerns, provide guidelines, and help them brainstorm ways to help those suffering from dementia or its most common cause-Alzheimer’s.
Written in a children’s story format, Sometimes Grandma and Grandpa Forget provides the perfect platform for parents to begin a much-needed conversation and help ease children’s worries. Starting from a place of knowledge will empower them to continue to love, assist where possible, and understand that dementia is a disease that affects people; it shouldn’t define them.
About the Author 
Kacy C. Chambers is an author, photographer/illustrator, wife, and proud mother of two. Having fallen in love with writing and poetry from a young age, Kacy has a passion for using stories to teach children about important ideas and concepts. After having her own kids, she realized how difficult it was to find books on the topics she wanted to teach them about, so she began creating her own. Kacy believes that stories are a great teaching tool and that they offer a unique opportunity to teach memorable lessons in a fun and engaging way. She has written books about inappropriate touch, Alzheimer’s/dementia, what it means to be a good cop, and disorders such as learning disabilities, autism, and NVLD. Her books are unique because she uses real photographs to illustrate real topics.
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