Patty Green Offers Roadmap: In Case I Forget, 3 Steps to Take Before Your Memory Unravels

About Patty Green - In Case I Forget: 3 Steps to Take Before Your Memory Unravels

In Case I Forget: 3 Steps to Take Before Your Memory UnravelsYou don’t know what you don’t know.

By Patty Green

There is a chance—a good chance, if you develop a dementia—you won’t remember what you need to know without taking action in advance.

So . . . what you don’t know, what those who will need to care for you don’t know, is the reason I wrote this book. Our life’s journey compiled in stories, is the key to our own care should we develop dementia. ALL the stories of our lives – the good, the bad, the ugly and the joyful – are what give the texture and flavor to our moments and memories. From experience, observation and research, make no mistake about it, the greatest burden of this disease falls to the caregivers. Giving our potential caregivers a roadmap is the most important thing you can do. A roadmap reflecting how a dementia journey might unfold and provide answers about who we are and how we like life to be. If we can be proactive and provide our stories—in case we forget—then maybe our journey can be easier for the ones we leave behind.

I am a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, a Certified Dementia Practitioner, and a Memory Care Director. I have worked in long term care and dementia care since 1995, and through the years I have met and loved some amazing people. People with faith, people with honor, people with humor, people with sadness. Everyone with a unique and wonderful story. These amazing stories have affected me deeply. Their impact has been profound, lasting, and has helped me to understand more of what I need to know—in case I forget. I figured out the histories and stories of the people I’ve cared for in the midst of them losing themselves. I discovered what brought them comfort by trying to comfort them, I discovered what made them laugh by laughing with them, and I discovered their fears by dealing with the behavior the fears brought. Knowing more of each person’s story at the beginning could help me better care for them as the disease progresses.

Through the publication of In Case I Forget – 3 steps to take before your memory unravels, I hope I have provided steps to take to preserve who we each are in the event we develop a dementia, so the journey can be easier on us and our caregivers. Removing the stigma of becoming a “crazy” old person provides texture and explanation for our behaviors and fears, offering a better quality of life because we have left a guide to who we are.

Patty-GreenAbout the Author

Patty loves elderly people. She has worked in Memory Care, Independent Living Retirement, Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing, other long term care settings for more than 25 years as a Recreation Therapist, Consultant, Memory Care Director and Activity Professional. She is passionate about providing the highest quality of life possible for those in their twilight years. She is especially passionate about helping those suffering with any type of dementia. She is a Certified Dementia Professional and has trained her staff and other professionals to understand people with dementia and how to serve them. After working in the field for years, Patty watched her Dad, her hero, go through this terrible dementia journey. She is the Author of In Case I Forget – Three Steps to Take Before Your Memory Unravels. The book is designed to cause the reader to think about preserving their memories in case they develop a dementia, so that their quality of life may be high throughout the disease, and the caregiver will have more insights to assist them.

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