Coming Events

Upcoming Authors, Podcasts & Events

View our schedule of authors who will soon be featured on AlzAuthors, as well as podcasts and other events.

September 18​

Book Club Replay: Christy Byrne Yates, "Building a Legacy of Love - Thriving in the Sandwich Generation", caring for two parents with dementia

September 24

Books & Chit Chat Live! with Dorothy Horne, Glimpses of Grace: Walking in Hope Through Alzheimer's and Ordinary Days and Glimpses of Grace: And Grace Will Lead Us Home, caring for a husband

October 2

New Author! Alleyne Symons, "Love in a Time of Caterpillars," a caring for a husband memoir

October 16

Dorothy Horne Book Club Replay

October 29

Books and Chit Chat Live! with Carolyn Birrell, "Walking with Fay: My Mother's Uncharted Path Into Dementia," a caring for a mother memoir

October 30

New Author! Helena Popovic, In Search of My Father: Dementia is no match for a daughter's determination (Outwitting Alzheimer's Book 1), a caring for a father memoir