Meet blogger Susan Suchan: This Disease Does Not Come With an Instruction Manual
By Susan Suchan When I look at the faces of my grandchildren and see the joy and blessing that they and my family and friends bring to me, I am determined to
By Susan Suchan When I look at the faces of my grandchildren and see the joy and blessing that they and my family and friends bring to me, I am determined to
By Carol Howell My mother, Vera, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in October of 2006. That was the day my world changed – forever. I will never forget (or is that statement actually
By Kate Swaffer There are currently more than 47.5 million people diagnosed with dementia (WHO, 2015) and I am one of them, diagnosed with younger onset dementia at age 49 as a wife
By Michael Ellenbogen Imagine having a mysterious illness take over your mind. Over the next 10 years you try to navigate a health care and social system that is not equipped to
Alzheimer’s Daughter by Jean Lee Blue Hydrangeas by Marianne Sciucco What Flowers Remember by Shannon Wiersbitzky Somebody Stole My Iron by Vicki Tapia