Gone But Not Forgotten: Bereavement Support for Caregivers
By Tracy Gough I decided to write Gone But Not Forgotten as a follow up to my first book My Dementia Journey…..one step at a time which was aimed at supporting dementia
By Tracy Gough I decided to write Gone But Not Forgotten as a follow up to my first book My Dementia Journey…..one step at a time which was aimed at supporting dementia
By Debra Tann, Ed. D. I never could understand why my great grandmother began to act oddly in my presence. Nor did I understand why my grandmother, or my mom were unable
By Karen Malena While visiting the charming town of Ligonier, Pennsylvania, a story idea came to me at a bed and breakfast one evening. I’d been thinking about my husband’s aunt and
By Angie Swetland I was privileged to enjoy a career in elder care which spanned over forty years. From the beginning, I was drawn to those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other
AlzAuthors is once again working with HFC to present a Summer Book Series for Alzheimer’s and dementia families and caregivers. This program is open to anyone interested in learning about these conditions.
AlzAuthors is excited to announce our new AlzAuthors Book Club in collaboration with Amazon. We thought it was a good fit for us to not only provide a new avenue to promote
By Cynthia Fantasia In The Lingering Light: Courage & Hope for the Alzheimer’s Caregiver 2014 held such promise. I was retiring from my very exciting career as Pastor of Women at a
By Fran Tilton Shelton The 13th century poet, Rumi, acknowledged in a poem about love “though the pen wanted badly to write when it came to Love, its nib split apart…In the
By JUDITH ALLEN SHONE My wish for the Accepting the Gift of Caregiving series, “Is There Any Ice Cream?” and “Did You Hide the Cookies?” is that our stories will introduce insights and
Welcome to Wherever We Are by Deborah J. Cohan My motivation for writing this book was simple though the topics I tackle and the process to publish it were far more complicated. My